Our Approved Runway Plans | Construction Updates | Community Commitments |
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Following extensive consultation, our runway plans also include a number of community commitments, including a Cap on Growth, a Cap on Noise, a £100,000 Community Fund, and an Enhanced Noise Insulation Scheme.
We will update this tab with updates on the delivery of our Community Commitments, however if you would like to be kept informed, please Register for Updates.
Similarly, if you have any queries, or would like any further information about our Community Commitments, please contact our runway project team via runway@southamptonairport.com
Cap on Growth
Our approved application includes a cap on growth to no more than 3 million passengers per year – though we would not expect to reach this figure until 2033. This cap will be enforced by new controls on noise and vehicle movements. As a result, our application gives Eastleigh Borough Council more control over the airport than it had before.
Noise Cap
Our approved plans will deliver a cap on noise. The consent from Eastleigh Borough Council includes a new control by limiting the level of noise permitted within a defined geographical area. While there is currently no limit on noise levels around the airport, our approved plans allow Eastleigh Borough Council to monitor and enforce a cap.
£100,000 Community Fund
Southampton’s runway extension also secures a £100,00 Community Fund, to be used on projects that benefit the local community. This funding is governed by the S106 legal agreement signed with Eastleigh Borough Council and decisions on how the money will be spent will be made by the local authority. Details on how to apply will be published by EBC soon – we will update this tab once these have been published.
Enhanced Noise Insulation Scheme
As part of its approved runway application, Southampton Airport has gone beyond the industry standard by agreeing to fund noise insulation measures in all homes and noise-sensitive public buildings (schools, hospitals, and care homes) within an agreed contour affected by 60 decibels, rather than 63.
We will be proactively reaching out to eligible residents and occupiers at the appropriate time.