Aug 16, 2024
Written by: Lee McCann
Southampton Airport Spitfire Wellbeing Fund takes off
Fund backed with a £100,000 kick-start from Southampton Airport introduced to deliver support for local communities
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We take great pride in supporting the communities of Eastleigh, Southampton and the wider Hampshire region and are delighted to launch the Southampton Airport Spitfire Wellbeing Fund.
Established this year, the Fund provides financial support to community organisations, charities and groups delivering initiatives that reduce health inequalities and improve health and wellbeing.
A total of £100,000 has been allocated by Southampton Airport to establish the Fund, which will focus on three key support areas:
The Fund allows organisations either managing or establishing projects within the proximity of the airport which focus on the three key areas identified below to bid for funding.
Funding allocations will be awarded in the areas most affected by the airport’s operations in terms of noise, which is outlined in the contour map here. The Health Strategy Area changes over time so the Southampton Airport Spitfire Wellbeing Fund's Board will regularly review criteria and boundaries.
Decisions on all applications will be reviewed and approved by The Fund’s Board, an independent body which includes representation from the city and district local authorities in Eastleigh, Southampton and Winchester. Southampton Airport representatives will also sit on the board in an administrative capacity.
Currently, the cap on funding per application is £5000, and the funding will be awarded at the absolute discretion of the Board.
Applications will be reviewed on a quarterly basis and dates will be published in due course. Applications must be sent three weeks prior to the relevant meeting dates and be submitted using either the online application form which can be found here or downloaded here and sending it to this address:
Southampton Airport Spitfire Wellbeing Fund
Southampton Airport
Wide Lane
SO18 2NL
It is essential that anyone making an award application ensures they understand the Funding Guidelines, which can be accessed here.
Aug 16, 2024
Written by: Lee McCann
Fund backed with a £100,000 kick-start from Southampton Airport introduced to deliver support for local communities
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